Sunday, July 12, 2009

PC Questions?

Have some questions that im having trouble answering and wondering if someone can help me!

1. Todays chips are composed of tens of millions of

A. Vacuum tubes

B. Transistors

C. Digital Dividers

D. Hertz

2. Just as the ACSII is the binary code for letters and characters, (blank) is the binary code for computer instructions

A. Hexadecimal


C. Machine Language

D. Program Language

Isnt it EBCDIC?

3. The most stable operating system for main frame computers is

A. Linux

B. Vista

C. Unix

D. Windows XP

4. If you wish to create a formula in an EXCEL cell you should

A. Click and drag method

B. Formula Library API

C. General format method

D. Start by entering an "="

PC Questions?
answer to question 4 is D. Rest I am not sure but use the experts on our site they will give you answers.

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