Thursday, July 9, 2009

C++ Win Api Threading (Advanced)?

Herro, I was playing with a little win api thread this morning, and saw that you cant call a function from the thread creating with PARAMS ? Dang, well heres a snip of the source :

HANDLE wThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) walkx, 0, 0, 0);

Basically, what I would LOVE to do is call it like this :

HANDLE wThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) walkx(X COORD, Y COORED), 0, 0, 0);

Buuuut of course I cant ;)

So, really in search of some help / possible solutions / other things I could be doing with my time, thanks ! ^^

Oh, and yeah I already checked out some other people sources, MSDN, and the like.

C++ Win Api Threading (Advanced)?
Yeah, I hear you. Wish I could too. This is how I do it...

In the header file:

class phoo : public basephoo



INT x_coord;

INT y_coord;


CWinThread* handMyThread;

static UINT MyThread( LPVOID pParam );


Now in the cpp file some initializer launches the thread:

handMyThread = AfxBeginThread( MyThread, this, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, 0, NULL ); // choose your priority.


UNIT phoo::MyThead( LPVOID pParam )


phoo* myPhooPtr = (phoo*)pParam; // DO FIRST !!! This is your reference back to phoo.

// now we can use x and y

INT xPlusy = myPhooPtr-%26gt;x_coord + myPhooPtr-%26gt;y_coord;


return 0;


Remember that when you start using threads, you may want to start using CMutex objects to protect your data--especially if x_coord and y_coord are changing.

Hope that helps.
Reply:The argument to CreateThread() that's just after the function you want to call is supposed to be used to hold a pointer to the data you want to pass to the function.

So you'd create a struct to hold the parameters to pass, then pass the address of that struct to CreateThread(), like so:

struct coords


int x;

int y;

} p;



CreateThread(NULL,0,walkx, %26amp;p, 0,0);

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